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Cooperations, Liaisons and Linked projects

ISO/IEC SC27 Working Group 5
Liaison with working group 5 of the International Standardisation Organisation. Working Group 5 is concerned with Identity management and privacy technologies. The liaison comprises a regular exchange and commenting of documents. Its goal is, to identify advanced identity management and privacy requirements and to build the basis for accordant solutions. 


The Future of Identity in the Information Society (FIDIS) is a EU funded NoE (Network of Excellence) in the context of the 6. EU Framework Program (FP6), targeting various aspects with regard to digital identity, privacy, and beyond. The project itself started in 2004 with 24 partners in 13 EU countries (read more at and will finish middle of 2009. FIDIS objectives are (1) to analyze various concepts of identity, (2) to analyse current and future instruments for identity management from an interdisciplinary perspective, (3) to build up definitions, taxonomies and classification systems, and (4) to give advice to stakeholders in European governments, the economic sector and citizens.


Primelife ( is an integrated project in the EU's 7th framework programme (FP7-ICT). Primelife's starting date was March 2008, and it is scheduled to run for 36 months. The international project consortium consists of 15 partners from industry, academia, and other institutions.

PrimeLife will address core privacy and trust issues individuals face in their daily interaction over the internet. The main objective of the project is to bring sustainable privacy and identity management to future networks and services:

  • Fundamentally understand privacy-enhancing identity management 'for life' (practical life, throughout life & beyond)
  • Bring Privacy to the Web and its Applications
  • Develop and make tools for privacy friendly identity management widely available -privacy live!

Its long-term vision is to counter the trend to life-long personal data trails without compromising on functionality. It will build upon and expand the FP6 project Prime that has shown how privacy technologies can enable citizens to execute their legal rights to control personal information in on-line transactions.


My eDirector 2012
My eDirector is research project whose goal it is "to research and develop a unique interactive broadcasting service enabling end-users to select focal actors and points of interest within real-time broadcasted scenes. The service will resemble an automated ambient intelligent director that will operate with minimal or even without human intervention. Contrary to state-of-the art services of similar nature that focus on few targets and low-level activity scenes (e.g., the Automated Coverage (BBC 2006) and PolyOmaton projects (AIT 2007) developed by the My-e-Director 2012 partners), My-e-Director 2012 will target large scale multi-actor, multi-target environments and high-activity scenes. Hence, the proposed ambient intelligent director service will provide new forms of end-user experience, while also enabling deployment of novel revenue-generating services for broadcasters and content providers."


The TURBINE (TrUsted Revocable Biometric IdeNtitiEs) project is a research project concerned with digital identities and their protection in the context of biometrics and cryptography. Lasting three years, TURBINE aims to develop innovative digital identity solutions, combining:

  • secure, automatic user identification thanks to electronic fingerprint authentication
  • reliable protection of the biometrics data through advanced cryptography technology.

The outcome of the project is intended to meet usage requirements for various market segments, such as ebanking, eGovernment, eHealth, physical access control, and mobile telecommunications.


"Young people are assets to development and potential agents of social change, yet youth exclusion, resulting from a variety or reasons, is widespread and infcreasing across Europe.
Issues such as lack of adequate education and employment, lack of assets and property rights, exposure to risky behaviours, violence and crime have driven groups of young people away from economic and societal resources.
Such exclusion translates to unbearable costs both to the individual, being deprived of access to important assets, and to society, having to finance the burden of marginalised groups instead of benefiting from they’re productive potential.
At present, many countries across Europe, and globally, lack an adequate policy response to these young people’s needs. And indeed, approaching young marginalised people is challenging – their exclusion from society and societal resources has created a feeling of rejection which leads to a lack of trust and unwillingness to take part in the framework of normative organisations. There is therefore an urgent need to seek for new innovative methods for approaching young marginalised people and for fostering their reintegration into societal circles."