Below you can find a list of selected events where we repsented PICOS. On the left side, dedicated event sites provide addiitonal information on some of these events.
- PICOS Summit Event, 26th IFIP International Information Security Conference (IFIP SEC 2011), Lucerne (Switzerland), 09 - 10 June 2011
- Workshop in Information Security Theory and Practice (WISTP 11) - 5th Edition, Heraklion (Greece), 01 - 03 June 2011
- InterPM - Konferenz zur Zukunft im Projektmanagement, Glashütten (Germany), 21 May 2011
- FIA Panel Presentation on Security and Usability, Budapest (Hungary), 18 May 2011
- Dagstuhl Perspectives Workshop 11061 Online Privacy: Towards Informational Self-Determination on the Internet, Dagstuhl (Germany), 07 February 2011
- PICOS Workshop on privacy in social networking, Workshop organised by PICOS, Leuven (Belgium), 03 May 2011
- Trust in Digital Life Event, Duesseldorf (Germany), 05 – 06 April 2011
- Effectsplus - 1st Kick Off cluster meeting, Brussels (Belgium), 29 – 30 March 2011
- FIA Future Internet Week / FIA ServiceWave 2010, Ghent (Belgium), 15 December 2010
- Forschungstag Deutsche Telekom, Bonn (Germany), 01 December 2010
- ICT 2010, Brussels (Belgium), 25-27 September 2010
- 25th IFIP International Information Security Conference Security & Privacy (IFIP SEC 2010), Brisbane (Australia), 20-23 September 2010
- CTIT Workshop on Privacy in Online Social Networks, Enschede (Netherlands), 21 September 2010
- DroidCon Conference, Opening Key Note, Berlin (Germany), 27 May 2010
- GSMA Mobile World Congress 2010, Barcelona (Spain), February 2010
- Conference on trustworthy ICT, Leon (Spain), 10 February 2010
- 1st Privacy 2.0 International Summit, Boston (USA), 03 February 2010
- Privacy by Design: The Gold Standard, Toronto, Canada, 28-Jan-2010
- EU 5th Ministerial eGovernment Conference, Malmö, Sweden, 20-Nov-2009
- 31st International Conference of Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners, Madrid, Spain, 06-Nov-2009
- PrivacyOS Conference, Vienna, 25 – 27 October 2009.
- 4th Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems (MCIS 2009), Athens, Greece, 25/27-Sep-2009.
- European conference on ICT and Privacy, Copenhagen, Denmark, 23-Sep-2009.
- Otto Group Nationales E-Commerce Forum, Hamburg, Germany, 08-Sep-2009.
- Conference on Trust, Privacy & Security in Digital Business (TrustBus’09), Linz - Austria, 03-Sep-2009.
- German Government Coordination Meeting for Identity Management Standardisation in ISO/IEC JTC 1 and ITU-T, Berlin, Germany, 16-Apr-2009.
- CEPIS Council, Brussels, Belgium, 4-Apr-2009.
- INCO-TRUST Workshop: Partial Identities, Privacy, Identity Management Standardisation, INCO-TRUST Project, Madrid (Spain) 31-Mar-2009 - 1-Apr-2009.
- PrimeLife/PICOS/TAS3/SWIFT PRIMCLUSTER Event, Brussels (Belgium), 25–26 Feb 2009.
- 2nd Annual Computer, Privacy, Data Protection International Conference, Brussels (Belgium) 16-17 January 2009.
- Workshop on “The Data Retention Directive: success story or disaster? - Update on the implementation of the directive”, European Parliament, Brussels (Belgium), 10 December 2008.
- ICT 2008, Lyon (France), November 2008.
- 5th WRFC (World Recreational Fishing), Conference, 10-13 November 2008, Dania Beach, Florida (USA)
- Workshop on “Identity Management in the Future Digital Society”, Brussels (Belgium), 14 October 2008.
- Third International Conference on Internet and Web Applications and Services (ICIW 2008) / International Workshop on Social and Legal Aspects under Emerging Computing Environments (SLAECE 2008), 08-13 June 2008, Athens (Greece)
- Future Internet Assembly Meeting, Bled, April 2008.
- NESSI Trust, Security and Dependability Workshop on Privacy, Brussels (Belgium), April 2008.