- Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University.
- Hewlett-Packard Limited Laboratories Bristol.
- Hewlett-Packard Centre de Competence France.
- Deutsche Telekom AG.
- Atos Origin Sociedad Anónima Española.
- Universidad de Málaga.
- CURE - Center for Usability Research & Engineering.
- Katholieke Universiteit Leuven.
- IT-Objects GmbH.
- Leibniz Institute of Marine Sciences.
- Masarykova Univerzita Brno.
IT-Objects GmbH (ITO) (Germany)
The IT Objects GmbH is a spin-off of the University of Essen. Its vision is to overcome the gap between theory and practice and to transfer high-end scientific concepts and solutions in the area of software architecture, software development and process design. With outstanding know-how and an innovative portfolio IT-Objects supports enterprises by developing customised solutions.
Its focus covers Microsoft.NET as well as OpenSource platforms, such as J2EE/JEE, Typo3, PHP, MySQL, etc. Cause by the fast evolution of technology and the proceeding globalisation enterprises have major difficulties to obtain the knowledge for the use of current technologies. The IT-Objects GmbH therefore offers design and implementation of IT-solutions as well as consulting, coaching and training courses or scientific expertises. Its infrastructure service covers standard hard and software support on the one hand and detailed consulting and planning within the range of network technology and system security on the other hand.