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Hewlett-Packard Limited Laboratories Bristol (HPL) (England)

Hewlett-Packard Laboratories, Bristol - United Kingdom: HP Laboratories, the strategic research organisation for the Hewlett-Packard Company, a leading global provider of products,  technologies, solutions and services to consumers and businesses, opened its European facility in Bristol in 1984. It is responsible for one third of HPL's fundamental research, and employs approximately 150 scientists and engineers from across Europe.

Projects include internet security and cryptography, digital media management, quantum computing, advanced imaging technologies, mobile communications, the semantic web and grid/utility computing. HPL is a long time participant in joint EU research initiatives, having been one of the first partners in the ESPRIT 1 Programme, and since then active as participant or coordinator in more than 50 projects. Current examples are PRIME, OpenTC and ESFORS. HPL is the Technical Lead of OpenTC and one of the leaders of PRIME; these points exemplify the importance that HP attaches to privacy, trust and openness in ICT system design.
