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This section presents the achievements PICOS has made with regard to its objectives. It outlines how the tasks in the different project phases were conducted and how the goals in these tasks were reached (figure 1). Choose one of the phases in the left menu, in order to obtain detailed information.

For a more detailed look on the different deliverables, which shape our achievements, please see Public Deliverables.

Among the achievements of PICOS, there are a few aspects which we regard as the main achievements. They remark the most important outcomes and will be summarised in the following.

  • Successful conduction of two-cycles approach and involvement of end-users

Within two development cycles we gathered requirements from end-users, build a community platform architecture and developed a platform and application prototypes. The two cycles allowed us, to continuously involve end users and consider user feedback on the first community application for the 2nd development cycle. As user related feedback plays an important role, when designing and implementing privacy enhancing technologies in communities, the successful conduction of this two cycle approach remarks an important achievement.   

  • Combining established and novel privacy concepts for mobile communities

Privacy enhancing technologies need to be integrated within community features. We utilized a number of established and proven concepts, enhanced them and combined them with novel ideas in a holistic approach for mobile social communities. This led to a unique set of concepts, which give users control over their personal information.

  • Performing end user trials for privacy enhancing concepts.

The privacy enhancing concepts were implemented in two community application prototypes and part of the two trials with end-users. This included lab- and field-tests, as well as field trials. Thereby we tested the developed concepts in practice and gathered and analyzed valuable knowledge regarding their usage and perception.

  • Privacy-friendly targeted advertising

With our approach on advanced advertising in social communities we showed how advertising can be seamlessly integrated in social communities and that advertising and privacy are not necessarily contradictory. The advertising approach supports marketing activities in an innovative combination of targeted advertising and viral marketing. The approach will serve as a foundation for the further research on advertising in the context of social media and the development of future business models in various areas.